western australia

Karla & Luke | Margaret River Engagement Photographer

These two!! What a couple of legends. Looking forward to heading down to Pemby for a wedding adventure later this year! We lucked out and scored an incredible winters afternoon in between storm clouds a couple of weeks ago on a beautiful Margaret River beach. Doesn't get much better really.. Xx

Nothing but blue skies..

"My love, you bring me more happiness than anyone really deserves. Sharing it with you will be m life's great joy. You are my support and are always on my side. I look forward to the rest of our lives. When I fear I will seek your comfort, when I hurt I will seek your touch. When I am worn I will seek your sympathy. When I dream I will share my dreams with you.. When I create, my inspiration will come from you. When you struggle, I will support you, when you are low I will lift you. When you are tired, I will hold you. When you imagine I will join When you are victorious I will be the first to celebrate with you. As you are you, I will be in awe of you. I believe in you and even more I believe in us. You have my love, my respect and my trust. For now and always. I promise until my last breath to encourage and support your dreams and desires, to respect your needs and honour you in my words and actions. I will stand with you through better and worse and never stop living a life of adventure. Through all of the joy and sorrow that life brings to us, as we paint memories and weave our dreams, I will be right at your side.." - Unknown Author.

It's always difficult to know what to say when I witness something really special. I don't always think that my words can often do it justice and I just hope that my images do that for me. You want to know these guys, you want to be their friends. Trust me. Just being around them makes you feel so welcome and comfortable and that does not happen with everyone you meet. I've known Loz & Az for a few years through some mutual friends and it's always been such a fun time when we see each other. Both of them are so down to earth and so hilarious in their own unique way (just wait until Loz gets up on that dance floor.) My favourite thing is seeing couples that are a united force, they've got each others back no matter what. Lauren & Aaron, they are a team. Even when Az says something so silly or strange, Loz just closes her eyes, smiles and shakes her head. On this day I saw the sun shine down on these two after raining all morning & I saw two families come together as one and I am so grateful that I got to be there to share such intimate moments with you all. Thank you xoxo

Brides Dress : Aelkemi | Bridesmaid's dresses: Shona Joy | Venue: Windows Estate Winery | Second Shooter: Nicolle Versteeg | MUA : Amy Kelly | Hair: Madison Lilburne | Flowers: Zest Flowers | Combi: Dunsborough Wedding Co.