"My love, you bring me more happiness than anyone really deserves. Sharing it with you will be m life's great joy. You are my support and are always on my side. I look forward to the rest of our lives. When I fear I will seek your comfort, when I hurt I will seek your touch. When I am worn I will seek your sympathy. When I dream I will share my dreams with you.. When I create, my inspiration will come from you. When you struggle, I will support you, when you are low I will lift you. When you are tired, I will hold you. When you imagine I will join When you are victorious I will be the first to celebrate with you. As you are you, I will be in awe of you. I believe in you and even more I believe in us. You have my love, my respect and my trust. For now and always. I promise until my last breath to encourage and support your dreams and desires, to respect your needs and honour you in my words and actions. I will stand with you through better and worse and never stop living a life of adventure. Through all of the joy and sorrow that life brings to us, as we paint memories and weave our dreams, I will be right at your side.." - Unknown Author.