What. On. Earth. Can I say about this wedding. From the moment I got onto a FaceTime chat with these two while they were living in Sydney I knew we were going to have a bloody good time. These two are the most sincere people I have ever met and instantly I felt like I was one of their best friends lucky enough to be invited to their wedding day. Alberto is Spanish and because of him and his friends that flew all the way to sunny WA I 100% need to shoot a wedding over in Spain. Immediately. They are so. Much. Fun! Not only that but the level of love and affection they have for one another is so moving. There were so many teary hugs, double cheek kisses and truly authentic words that were spoken. Kat is a barrel of laughs and lights up every space she enters, making us all feel like we are her best friends. What a pair. Alberto’s Spanish friends could only speak a small bit of English yet they had their entire table laughing and singing and doings hands free shots. Sure, dinner and dancing started late and I stayed behind an extra two hours because that’s just how they do it over there but it was so worth it to photograph them enjoying every single second with the people they love so much. Thank you guys for choosing me. I love what I do.