
The United States of America | 35mm Film

So here are some more moments and places that I captured on my 35mm film camera during my America travels this year. Long roads, mountains, cacti and big skies could pretty much sum up this roll of film. So inspiring travelling with other photographers and passionate creatives. I definitely owe my resurgence of creative inspiration to this trip and the legends I travelled with. Coming back to work and home, it's still sometimes a struggle to maintain the passion and froth that I found, but looking at these and remembering what I felt capturing and documenting is a good reminder of what makes me happy and to never lose it. Xx  Thanks for checking it out! 

California dreaming on film

I've been back for 4 weeks now from my adventures and I have finally managed to develop some rolls of film from my America travels. I can't explain the excitement when you get a roll of film back, I had definitely forgotten a lot of these moments and I was instantly transported back to the time I was wandering the beach alone watching the sunset or adventuring with my buddy Johnny Jungle in San Diego. This is the cheapest film I could find about $5 a roll and the colours turned out quite poppy and warm. It has definitely brought some froth back to my life and removed the "work" label from the art of photography for me.